Baby in a Basket
Starbuck [16:00]
Comments: 2
Ah, that's better. Sorry for that bandwidth-draining photosplurge - its been such a rollercoaster of a year that I felt the need to found some positive anchors within this chronicle. Or something.
No wait, there's another one coming.
Enough. Back to the baby stuff.
It's been an interesting time getting used to our newly-expanded family, and I can now appreciate just how different this is to anything else I've experienced. It's a little bit more complicated than keeping a tamagotchi alive.
Its become apparent that I'm alot more used to needy canines than infant human beings. And I can't stop speaking to poor Starkid as if he's a little doggy!
I talk about "putting him in his basket", or "putting him down on his mat" - I'm sure it won't be long before I'm sternly telling him to go "On your mat" in deep commanding voice with a biscuit in hand.
One step further than calling him a "good boy", I even accidentally said "there's a good dog" earlier...