Christmas round at Powersurge Towers was as good as Christmas ever gets. i.e. utterly fantastic.
This year was especially special, however, with 16 family members crammed around the television for the very special Christmas special that was Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion.
Our audience spread was aged between three and eightysomething with everything in between, but everyone (apart from the three-year old) agreed that ex-Pet Shop Boy Neil Tennant was an utterly fab (and may I say "special"?) Doctor. Very watchable, and hey, as always in the new series, its full of right-thinking (as opposed to right-wing thinking) to help meld the minds of mini-fans into better future citizens of this planet.
Exciting to hear the most explicit references within the episode to future spin-off series Torchwood (my Uncle Phil: "Isn't that a shopping centre in Solihull?"), further to those buried within Bad Wolf (the ruins of the famous Old Earth Torchwood Institute being the site where the Great Cobalt Pyramid was built - am I getting to nerdy for you here?)
And I look forward to wheeling my behemoth dinosaur PC into the front room to watch the commentary, downloadable from the BBC.
And so, to celebrate the forthcoming new series in 2006, I bring you an exclusive photo of Tennant and his assistant that I scavenged out of Russell T Davies' rubbish bin...