Viper Squad Ten

[ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 ]

Lost about the Hanso Foundation
Starbuck [12:26] Comments: 3 []
After watching the first two epidodes of Lost Season 2 on Channel 4 last night I started ranting about nanomachines and nanatechnology to the long-suffering wife. "It's got to be the answer. It could explain everything! The 'mechanical' smoke creatures, the recoveries from paralysis".

And then there were the planted adverts for the Hanso Foundation within the ad breaks. And now I read the following press release from Hanso:



(May 2, 2006) The Hanso Foundation, a world-leader in social and scientific research, announced today that it will re-launch its website ( and debut a new ad campaign "Reaching Out for a Better Tomorrow" Tuesday, May 2nd, on United Kingdom's Channel 4 Network. .

The Hanso Foundation is committed to securing a brighter future for all humanity by fostering social and scientific programs designed to further the cause of human development. The advertisements will provide contact information for those interested in learning more about the passion, dedication and mission behind the Foundation.

"Our new website is a fresh, dynamic interactive setting that provides a comprehensive view of the work within the Hanso Foundation," said Hugh McIntyre, Communications Director of the Hanso Foundation. "We are confident our work to solve some of the most pressing issues facing the human race will resonate with a significant proportion of the audience."

Projects supported by the Hanso Foundation include: the Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, the Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program, the Educational Outreach Imperative, the Electromagnetic Research Initiative, the Institute for Genomic Advancement, and the Life-Extension Project.

About the Hanso Foundation

The Hanso Foundation stands at the vanguard of social and scientific research for the advancement of the human race. For forty years, the foundation has offered grants to worthy experiments designed to further the evolution of the human race and provide technological solutions to the most pressing problems of our time.

"From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible." Alvar Hanso, Address to the U.N. Security Council, 1967

Media Contact: Hugh McIntyre

(206) 861-5017/

However personally, I am wary of exploring any further. I'm enjoying my own imagination too much.

Web research can be damaging, especially if you're lagging behind America in broadcast terms (one notable exception being Donnie Darko).

3 Comment(s):

Comment by Blogger Stuart, at May 05, 2006 11:21 am  :

And another surely being the Matrix. My interest in them has been piqueed again by (a) internet ramblings (b) the fact they were on telly over the weekend and (c) by spotting grpahic novels of them for me to buy...

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at May 05, 2006 11:28 am  :

Me too (though I've not been net-rambling, I didn't actually watch them on the telly this week, & I've not seen the comics).

My poor wife has had to put up with me going on about my reappraisal of the series' viewpoint on religion, et ceterbleedin'ra.

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at May 06, 2006 10:31 am  :

Incidentally Stuart, my fine UK-based friend, it's been an interesting few days looking at my current search engine referral stats (being the boring sod I am).

Judging from the massive influx of surfers from the US who're searching on keywords such as Hanso and Hugh McIntyre's email address, I'd say it's become a large part of the storyline over there...

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