For anyone who'd acccessed my Comments within the last 24 hours
Starbuck [16:08]
Comments: 6
[] Blogspeak have acknowledged the virus / spyware problem that's been bothering my site and their Commenting system. If anyone's clicked on the Comments (before I removed them) within the last day or so, or if peculiar things have been happening, I'd advise you to run a virus-check, and/or a spyware checker (BlogSpeak recommend SpyBot, I use Adaware, which didn't detect anything, but then, I think my Zonealarm / PC Cillin combo zapped it at birth.)
And refer to my previous posts to mend any damage that may or may not have been caused, and to hopefully heal the HTA flaw for the future: Here and here.
I guess that my JAVA.NEEDY.A virus may have been embedded (using the HTA scripting flaw) in the HTML of a spammed Comment; maybe these scum are targetting bloggers, spamming our Commenting tools on mass where susceptible, in an attempt to mass-hijack our browsers to their dodgy sites. Why can't they just pick on people already looking at porn? A lot of kids are bloggers.