Viper Squad Ten

[ Friday, December 22, 2006 ]

RakaStaka Christmas
Starbuck [13:23] Comments: 2 []

# It's going to be a Raka Staka Christmas,
To prevent your bottles from having a roll
Presents hangin' from the tree
You'll never guess what you've got from me... #

Oh. It's a RakaStaka.

2 Comment(s):

Comment by Anonymous Anonymous, at December 29, 2006 9:50 am  :

You've got to admit, it's something of a genius idea. Say goodbye to floor smelling of old beer from smashed bottles!

How's you doing anyway old boy?

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at December 29, 2006 5:40 pm  :

Very well, thank you very much.

And all the better for having my festive beer stacked in the fridge courtesy of Stef Mattheou's remarkable three pieces of plastic.

Hope all is well with married life. I look forward to heading over to both < your blog and to your Flickr site for an update on your happenings (been very busy offline of late!

But for now I must be off, as I've been instructed by the Missus to "log off for dinner"... outtahere.

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