Viper Squad Ten

[ Tuesday, January 02, 2007 ]

Stu's Music Round Up
Stuart [10:37] Comments: 2 []
Hey I thought I would get in first with my top tens and fives and wotnot.

Before I do so, I will do my Christmas TV round up. Very easy as I only saw one festive programme - Dracula. It was TERRIBLE!!!! Why take one of the finest scariest stories ever and change it completely AND keep the names from the book? It was an insult, particularly in the way by which they effectively neutered Dracula by making him not very clever or powerful at all. Rubbish.

Okay, rant over - here goes....

Top Ten Albums

Grandaddy - Just Like The Fambly Cat
Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass
Eels - Live at the Town Hall
Broken Family Band - Balls
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
Mogwai - Mr Beast
Peeping Tom


The Feeling - 12 Stops and Home
Snow Patrol - Eyes Open
Babybird - Between My Ears There's Nothing But Music
Tool - 10,000 Days
Hot Chip ? The Warning
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Mastodon - Blood Mountain
Broken Social Scene

One Album What I Bought But Definitely Not In My Top Ten

Arctic Monkeys

Top Singles

Hot Chip - Over and Over
Simian vs wotsit - We Are Your Friends
Muse - Supermassive Blackhole
My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade
Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks

Best Gig

Toss up - either Raconteurs - Electric Ballroom OR Jarvis - Koko

Worst Album of the Year (that I bought which I was hoping would be great and everybody said would be)

Thom Yorke - Eraser

Worst Song of the Year (that I did not buy and would never buy and is the worst song ever)

Razorlight - America

2 Comment(s):

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at January 02, 2007 5:55 pm  :

Hi Stu, regarding Dracula, I thought it was dead (undead) good. However I spent much of Christmas either drunk or feverish, so that doesn't necessarily give my opinion too much credence...

I've only bought and listened to two of the albums in your Top 18 (Muse and Snow Patrol), however a few of them are yet-to-be-opened Xmas presents (TV On The Radio, Peeping Tom), and a few are already on my wish-list (Jarvis, Mogwai, Hot Chip); looks like you've given me a few more ideas to supplement my list, my marvellous Music Advisor.

Back to your list. One of them I would "shove up" (Arctic Monkeys), and several I wouldn't piss over (The Feeling, My Chemical Romance, despite - ah - not actually having heard anything except singles by the aforementioned bands).

Couldn't agree more about Eraser. One or two good tracks, with a bunch of stuff in between making me not want to listen to it again.

Comment by Blogger Stuart, at January 03, 2007 11:53 am  :

...and the two good tracks are Harrodown Hill and It Rained All Night, right at the end. They are the only two which feature on my ipod, and even being on there I haven't listened to them.

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