Viper Squad Ten

[ Tuesday, June 22, 2010 ]

Frank Sidebottom RIP
Starbuck [15:19] Comments: 0 []
Photo courtesy of coronetv000

The light of my eternal childlike essence has dimmed.

One of my favourite Glastonbury moments, no, one of my favourite EVER moments, was watching Frank Sidebottom perform to a mixed-bag crowd in the haze of the comedy tent, half of them sitting there in open-mouthed bemusement, the other half transfixed in open-mouthed wonder. A lot of open mouths. Or perhaps that was just something to do with the overall Glastonbury festival "atmosphere".

If there was a heaven it would look like the set of Remote Control, Frank Sidebottom and Tony Wilson sitting on the cloud belonging to Gilbert-the-Alien's-voice.

Which is nice.

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