Doing the Superman (Agadon't)
Starbuck [16:30]
Comments: 6
Is it just me, or does anyone else put their hand out above their heads like an in-flight Superman whilst they are climbing a flight of stairs?
Mind you, its a bit embarrassing in the workplace...
Here what do you mean by Thought I was breaking the habit, until I discovered I could watch episodes on demand by pressing my "red button". Gah! ? Are you saying I should chuck my PVR for a more up to date state of the art gizmo?
Yep, at least with my generic cable company, I can now press my red button on BBC channels to watch "catch-up TV" free of charge for a week after things are shown.
It's only key shows, but I'm watching a lot of EE, Apprentice (plus Fired), Ideal, Planet Earth.
Most things hang around for a week, but you get entire series-so-far of some shows (e.g. Planet Earth)
Handy, cos I don't have a PVR, and my VCR isn't set up to record cable...