Viper Squad Ten

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 ]

Enter Shikari verses The Klaxons
Starbuck [19:50] Comments: 0 []

Both great albums, but Take to the Skies beats Myths of the Near Future hands down in my most humble of onions.

I know that critics tend to hit Enter Shikari with the shiney stick of juvenility, saying that the popularity of their music is incomprehensible to anyone over the age of 14. Well I'm significantly older than that, and I think they're flipping marvellous.

Its just the sort of music that I desperately wanted to exist when I was aged 14 - several shades of heavy metal mixed up with bleeping great dance music!

I'd have rated the Klaxons album higher, would it only have had their punk cover of The Bouncer by Kicks Like A Mule ("Your name's not down you're not coming in"). Shame on them!

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