Three things I didn't know before May this year
Starbuck [15:38]
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Keck (or kek), is the traditional name for cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris, also known as Wild Chervil or Wild Beaked Parsley). Like many olden terms "keck" is dying out. Cack.
Sir Walter Raleigh planted the first potatoes in England at "Little Virginia" on Castle Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Shipped over from the New World they were, dontchaknow, and from Virginia, natch.
In order to identify copyright theft, some commercial cartographers LIE to users of their maps about the geographical features portrayed by their publications. The nonexistent "Lye Close", a cul-de-sac supposedly located off Canynge Square in Clifton, Bristol, is one such "trap street". Bastards.