Viper Squad Ten

[ Monday, January 22, 2007 ]

Faux Pas
Starbuck [20:20] Comments: 4 []
Due to a continued state of time-paucity, I'm not being a good blogger at present. Boo!

But I need to keep the motor running before heading out on the highway, and as a result, I'm going to have to resort to one of my quicky not-so-witty bliposts. Yay! So here goes.

I sometimes think that my wife must be a lot more liberated than I.

Just the other day, after she'd finished cutting my hair in the kitchen, she said to me thus:

"Before you have your shower, you should go on outside and shake yourself off"

Well, I might think of myself as open-minded, but still, I really don't think the neighbours need to witness such acts.

4 Comment(s):

Comment by Anonymous Anonymous, at January 23, 2007 8:22 am  :

Personally I think the neighbours shouldn't be so nosy as to be watching you. If they get an eyeful (oo'er missus, etc...) perhaps they ought to have better curtains.

Shake yourself off and be freeeee!

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at January 24, 2007 1:14 pm  :

The trouble is, if you can just imagine our back garden for one moment, its not in the slightest visually concealed from an expanse of grass mostly used for dog-walking purposes.

I don't want to be done for dogging!

Comment by Blogger 3rd daughter, at January 29, 2007 1:23 pm  :

hello starbuck :) i have been mostly alurking lately but hope to be a more regular visitor to my friends in the whirled wild whatever.

on a totally unrelated topic, i met jonathon coleman today down at the harbour. he was broadcasting a live segment to some uk breakfast tv program. i was wandering past and stopped to have a stickybeak and then went up to say hello when he had finished. nice chap. had a pic taken with him but it is a shocker so will never see the light of flickr :) that's my exciting news for the week!

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at February 05, 2007 8:41 pm  :

Hi 3d, thanks for the note. Not been around much myself of late either, but hopefully things'll change.

Jono Coleman, eh? Heh! I've always had a "thing" about Jono, from his early days on UK telly on some shite-as-ships 1991 daytime quiz show called "Humdingers" onwards...

You've prompted a quick websearch, from where I see he's returned to Sydney to care for his elderly mother, which would explain his being in your environs.

Still, you can get that photo up on Flickr as a "Private" one, Susan, and point me in its direction...!

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