VSX, A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist: Starbuck Powersurge - a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of Viper Squad Ten, a long-disbanded group of stranded timetravelling troubadours, formed to help finance repairs to their time-machine. Now very much stuck in C21...
All text is copyright the Viper Squad Ten blog team 2003-2006 unless otherwise quoted or credited. If we've not credited you properly, please let me know. Throw us a link if you're desperate enough to use this guff...
Starkid Smell
Starbuck [20:27]
Comments: 4
I realised something special at work today.
Although I am unable to properly imagine most smells (presumably my other stronger senses have more bearing on my world and drown out my olfactory imagination), I am fully able to imagine the smell of new baby Starkid when I am apart from him.
Starkid Smile
Starbuck [20:19]
Comments: 2
OK, I know I've not been around these parts much of late, and when I have its been on a strictly functional basis (I've got too much on right now, aside from when I'm in the bath), but for the record, and as a Christmas present to any stray Powersurge pals out there (New Years resolution will be to look y'all up), I bring you a special treat - a photo of Starkid's first proper smiling session...