Viper Squad Ten

[ Monday, August 18, 2003 ]

Starbuck [13:20] Comments: 0 []
It's such a relaxing change to be living in the countryside right now. The soothing ambience of natural sounds, the increased brightness of the colour green (in contrast to the city's greys and browns), the same smells that have been stimulating human noses for aeons. And the opportunity to drive my car whenever I want, rather than whenever I need, as was the case in congested London. It offsets the complete lack of phoneline bandwidth that comes with it, and the absence of pubs in easy walking distance. There's a lot that I'll miss terribly of course, but I can already feel the relationship between L and myself blossoming nicely like the flowers in the garden(puke!).

A few thoughts on what I've been watching and reading, in true boring blogger style.

I watched Adaptation for the second time on Saturday (my original thoughts on it from earlier in the year can be found here). Such an honest, beautiful, funny and thought-provoking film, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Again. And if any film snobs can't accept the final half hour for what it is, that's entirely their problem. (And if you've seen it and enjoyed Charles Kaufman's wonderful final screenplay, check out draft work-in-progress scripts at the scripts section of You completist git.)

Other film stuff: The very amusing "overall review" of Matrix Reloaded at But "Main Character Intelligence - Smarter than most other characters"? Blimey, there really can't be much mental activity going on in their world (therefore discrediting the human minds being used as battery lie that we've been sold.)

Elsewhere, daytime television is already causing me much distress. No mental activity going on there either. Too much blind reliance on obviously incorrect and ridiculous beliefs being presented as truth (examples, so many of the shows discussing astrology, UFO's, and the like. ("UFO's have been sighted everywhere. As you would expect, considering that we are soon to have intergalactic travel. But what if some of these sightings are not actually real?" AAAAGH! WHY DO OUR PIG-IGNORANT PUBLIC AND THE LAZY TV BASTIDS FEEDINGS THEM THIS SWILL DO THIS? WHY TREAT THIS RUBBISH AS FACTUALLY ACCURATE WHEN IT OBVIOUSLY ISN'T TO ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN-CENTRE? NO WONDER WE ARE A BECOMING A NATION OF IGNORANT SHEEP.)

Calm down, SP. Don't shout. UFO's are one thing, anyway. There could well be plenty of logical explanations. But sitting here watching trash about astrology being presented as truth, that really winds me up. WAKE UP, PEOPLE! READ THIS! ASTROLOGY IS SOOOOO MUCH MERDE, AND BY NOT ACKNOWLEDGING IT, ANY TV SHOW, NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE IS BASICALLY SAYING TO ITS USER-BASE, "YOU ARE A BUNCH OF IMBECILES." And what I hate is when people get as far as being semi-sceptical about it, without being able to nail their colours to the mast. "I don't think its probably true, but I wouldn't rule it out." In other words, I don't want to alienate huge swathes of the weak-minded viewing public. God knows what panic'll ensue if the truth gets out that the earth isn't flat... Christ, why can't we think, why can't we reason, why can't we educate? This thing is about money, and people lieing to steal their money. It's obvious. Get over it. No wonder we have so many people believing in any old New Age nonsense or getting involved in cults etcetera. If we tolerate this lazy, dangerous thinking, the jump to more dangerous (or just plain exploitative) thinking is so much smaller.

And don't get me started on Uri Geller - the messiah of all Believers Of Daftness ("here comes Bod"). Derren "V" Brown has ably demonstrated that he can do anything that these "mystical" types can do, and he'll then tell you how, and he'll tell you that they're all fraudulent liars. Uri Geller is nothing but another David Blaine - a tricksy showman.

Then again, if belief has arisen as an evolutionary advantage to the species, I shouldn't get so worked up over something that has allowed humanity to fluorish. Like a virus.

And I was feeling so peaceful before I started writing all this....

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