(Happy Birthday To Stu) x 2, HB Dear Stuart (1st line repeat)
Starbuck [23:56]
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May I wish my dear Sub-Editor Stu some Big Birthday Felicitations. I can't remember if the big day was today or tomorrow, but considering that he doesn't have internet access away from work, and for all I know he may be on holiday until the new year anyway, and even if by any remote chance he's discovered a net-ready computer hidden under the sink he's probably going to be too busy galavanting in his inimitably hedonistic styley to notice this sorry excuse of a birthday-card-replacement...
Oh, and Happy Birthday to J, spouse of DJ Tim, the day before my Auntie Lil's birthday (also some religious festival of some sort), and two days after my very own annual acknowledgment of ageing. Raise your glasses... repeatedly...