Viper Squad Ten

[ Friday, December 05, 2003 ]

'Tis the season to be wheely brummin' merde
Starbuck [20:29] Comments: 0 []
The time has come. Tomorrow I hit the streets of Birmingham to thrash out my pressie-buying for Winterval (as Birmingham City Council succinctly named it a few years ago).

I'm not looking forward to the experience. Not one bit. (The shopping, not christmas, which will be stupendous, sort of.)

However, there is a glittery halo of hope sitting atop the hell of christmas shopping - I might get to do a bit of tourisme français whilst I'm out there

For those not wired into the latest news from the heart of England, we've only gone and bought a big carousel wheel - The Wheel Of Birmingham - from the French. Complete with commentary about its supposedly Parisienne surroundings. Which they can't turn off. Centenary Square will never seem the same again.

Heh, heh, and thrice heh.

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