Viper Squad Ten

[ Monday, September 18, 2006 ]

The best film that never was
Starbuck [13:05] Comments: 2 []
When I woke up I knew exactly what I wanted to write about today.

It was a film that I'd seen on the TV late last night, and it went by the elusive title of "LM" (nothing to do with Crash magazine's Lloyd Mangran, idol of ZX Spectrum fans everywhere, or Newsfield's pre-Loaded "young men's lifestyle magazine" that he inspired; nor Living Marxism for that matter).

It was a Gilliamesque hi-sci-fi fantasy set in a dystopian near future Britain, and it starred Shane Richie being suprisingly adept and charismatic (as in I didn't want to punch him in the face).

It came across like a future-Funland, not suprising since it was cowritten and directed by Mark Gatiss, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant.

It was one of those things that you watch and you wonder why you'd never heard of it before.

And then I realised that I'd watched it within my dreams. Bugger.

2 Comment(s):

Comment by Blogger Stuart, at September 28, 2006 9:57 am  :

YOu terrify and excite me by your ability to remember stuff like LM mag - didn't they give away a copy free in Crash or something? I remember having it but don't remember buying it.

By coincidence, i used to buy my Crash's in the same shop I bought my saucy Madonna (Like a Virgin era) poster mag (er that isn't a coincidence that's just a bit of sauce) and CAPTAIN BRITAIN comics!

The coincidence there is that I am re-reading them all in the form of what I understand people call a "graphic novel" and pretty good it is too.

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at September 28, 2006 1:56 pm  :

They certainly did give away the first issue of LM with Crash magazine.

Btw Stu, in your dodgy shop, did they ever censor the Oliver Frey covers of Crash (e.g. the Barbarian one or any with boobs on it?)? They were very prudish in my local newsagent...

Never heard of Captain Britain - wossthatallabout then?

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