Pacman for MS Excel - wacka wacka wacka!
Starbuck [11:49]
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Thanks to the inventive genius of Japanese geekozoid Nobuya Chikada, you can now play a fully functional version of Pacman - YES, PACMAN! - on Microsoft Excel (versions '97 & 2000 were namechecked). CLICK HERE for the download page.
Unfortunately, I don't use Excel at home, and the rather less wonderful Microsoft Works refuses to convert the .xls file into anything other than a big unplayable black screen, but as far as I can make it he's programmed each individual cell to behave as a tiny (by definition) pixel, and by changing the background colour of each cell on the fly, the full interactive Pacman experience is realised.
I don't hold out much hopes for myself getting it up and running in Works-o-vision, but any of you spangly Excel users could give his Space Invaders interpretation Cellvader a try as well.
(Footnote: My Japanese isn't quite up to it, but it looks like there's LOADS of home-brew spreadsheet-versions of classic arcade games out there in web-land. Curse my lack of Office software.)