The long weekend starts here...
Starbuck [18:17]
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Friday early evening... just back from work. What a relief.
Although work-wise its not been a tough week, its still felt like the longest week of my life. Time seems to have slowed right down since my birthday in December. It feels like its grinding to a painful halt. I guess that this sort of thing is only to be expected what with the difficult events of the of the last few weeks. It seems like weeks since my grandad's funeral; it feels like months since he died... like years since that horrible morning after my birthday, when I was told what was wrong with him.
Still, now that time's slowed down, I might as well enjoy it. Its friday night. If the local space-time continuum has in fact been stretched in relation to the t-axis (something that is entirely feasible, as demonstrated by my own existence within this century - I wouldn't have been marooned here in the first place if that cursed mutually-perpendicular fourth dimension wasn't as fricking elastic as the first three), then there's twice as much beering-time to enjoy!