The Clutterbuck Blog
Starbuck [21:27]
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Some readers of these words may have been following my recent quest to find the most messed-up computerstation environment, latterly going under the succinct monicker of the Clutterbuck Computer Challenge Cup(copyright someone else). Some of you may even have submitted your own entries, links to which were recently pooled together in a post which itself reaches levels of immense clutterdom if viewed through the lenses of some webbrowers (note to self: must learn to smack my html down better).
But one recent inbound link to VSX has left my mouth (and nearly my trousers) agape: THIS LINK from The Clutterbuck Blog, a blog about all things Clutterbuck. Thankfully not some lunatics fansite, it relates to the extended Clutterbuck family that is spread across the world.
"Hopefully, this community of effort and spirit will lead to a Gathering of the Family of Clutterbuck in Gloucestershire, England, in the year 2015 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Clotterbooke of Leonard Stanley, from whom are descended numerous lines of Clutterbuck."
And a trip to The Gathering may be the eventual lucky winner's prize!