Blogger comments
Starbuck [18:41]
Comments: 6
Kerryst, Bloggers slow tonight. Probably something to do with every sodding user updating their Comments system. I can't wait to give it a try - Haloscan's habit of dropping the archived Comments afer 4 months from non-Premium members has driven me to distraction, although their new Gravatar function might be interesting (or an opportunity for sick bastids to spam me with dodgy images).
But no time for that right now, there's things on my mind. They may be inane, they may be boring, but if you're reading this in chronological order then you've already read them, so there's nothing I can do to warn you. Hah!
I didn't want to look into it - I just thought I'd check out the Commenting option screen.
It then proceeded to mess up, thanks to my "unusual" template. Fortunately it told me what to paste into the template.
Unfortunately I ended up spending the next hour or so paste bits and pieces of template around, looking for evident corrections, only to NOT BE ABLE TO SEE ANY OF THE CHANGES DUE TO FLIPPING CHOOSING "REPUBLISH INDEX" (for speed) RATHER THAN "REPUBLISH ENTIRE BLOG"!
Although I could preview the changes to the main page, the individual post subpages weren't been republished, hence every last fricking change not seeming to make any difference.
Fingers crossed I'm OK now. Jesus! And I've gone and lost my stream of blog-consciousness now...
Hmm again. Still a bit messy, even with all these new separators that I've just insered. But better. For now.
So as to keep the existing Haloscan Comments for the next 4 months or so, they're still there on new posts but "hidden" - the text reads " " rather than "0 comments) for uncommented posts...
Yup, shite indeed. I'd suspected as much, having seen them stripped from my older archives, but hadn't read about it before tonight when I checked their forums (fora?).
If you pay $12 to become a Premium member then all your missing comments reappear, apparently.
Or get the all-new-again free Blogger comments which, they assure us, will not be ever stripped away...
I must say I'm quite impressed with this non-inline "Haloscan-a-like" version, anyhow. Just gotta tweak the template a bit to smarten things up, now...
Great that you can now log in using "Other" to get a straight link to your URL, Haloscan/enetation/etc-wise, as well.