Nintesco Customer Services Lite
Starbuck [13:55]
Comments: 4
I'm a sucker for an impulse buy from Tesco; I've got scores (nearly) of cheap but essential DVDs just waiting for me to find the viewing time.
And I'm a sucker for small things; so's my wife - that's why she married me! (Only joking - I'm HUGE. Ahem.)
And I'm theoretically a sucker for console games - a bit too much, which is why I've been steering myself clear in recent years. I've not brought a computer game since Rollcage Stage II for the first Playstation back in 2000.
However today, upon seeing the Nintendo DS Lite in the supermarket, I just could not resist. Well I did - I came home, thought about it, and went back for it!
Ninetysomething Pounds for the Lite bundled with one game, or another four quid with Mario Kart DS thrown in, "excellent" I thought out loud. "But I'd better check at Customer Services whether the Mario Kart budle is the lovely new Lite version or the slightly less lovely old DS machine since it doesn't mention Lite on the display case".
What a palaver - the biddies on the desk didn't have a flipping clue! "You'll have to go down to a computer shop to buy a Nintendog, otherwise you can't use it" one said, seemingly trying to put me off the purchase, before admitting it was all "gobbledygook", perhaps meaning the whole concept of these new-fangled picture boxes rather than the gibberish she was spouting.
Getting nowhere when I tried to explain I made a run for it, and spent 5 minutes trying to find someone who could help. Spotted a young employee in a bright red t-shirt proclaiming "HERE TO HELP" and thought that he'd do. All sorted (Mario bundle was with the old DS, so I sadly went without), paid at the check-out, and was told I'd have to go to Customer Services to pick it up. Avoided the CS biddies and asked at the tobacconists, who proceeded to spend 5 minutes looking for the "game" that was the DS Lite, then a further 10 minutes whilst a more clued-up employee went to replenish their stocks from the warehouse.
Finally home with the machine plus Dr Kawashima's Brain Training. I'd managed to pique Mrs Powersurge's interest by telling her "it'll be good for us". Shame about Mario. Now to stiffen my resolve for the future...
I'm now working hard on her in relation to Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild West.
"Hand-eye coordination and reflexes", and the nurturing of my domestic responsibilities respectively... (Animal Crossing - its like raising children. Sort of.)
Well, as you know I've had DS and a PSP and ended up eBaying them both. Must admit that of the two I miss the DS the most and now that there's a lite version, might treat myself to a graduation prezzie! :)