Viper Squad Ten

[ Monday, August 14, 2006 ]

Electric Dreamz
Starbuck [19:43] Comments: 0 []

Last night I dreamt that I was sitting with Dr Karl Kennedy out of popular Australian soap Neighbours, taunting - nay, goading - him for just being a fictional character whilst I, your author, am a real human being. His TV ex-wife Susan Kennedy just looked on, smiling sympathetically.

And the night before I dreamt I was watching an episode of Dr Who where that Preacher bloke (blonde Geordie Childrens BBC presenter who somehow flooked a few episodes of Dr Who earlier this year despite a few apparent acting difficulties) phased in from another dimension.

In-depth New Age dream analysis: I feel gloriously superior to Neighbours characters, and I'm missing Dr Who despite it's various flaws.

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