Viper Squad Ten

[ Wednesday, August 16, 2006 ]

Internal Jukebox Update
Starbuck [13:20] Comments: 6 []
That tune that the platoon whistle during the marching sequences of the 1971 Dad's Army feature film. Possibly composed by Wilfred Burns.

6 Comment(s):

Comment by Anonymous Anonymous, at August 16, 2006 3:58 pm  :

Somebody had that (The Dad's Army theme tune) as their ringtone. Where was I when I heard it?

Oh, yes. WH Smiths in Woolwich.

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at August 16, 2006 5:41 pm  :

Ah yes, very good Max. Though you wondered when someone was going to spot your deliberate mistake, confusing the "Who do you think that you're kidding Mr Hitler" theme tune with the "wheee who whee whor whe whor badda badda ber bar di-di bah" incidental music used in the film whenever a filler scene was used with the gang marching from one place to asnother.

Ugh, sorry for that very forced Manneringism there!

Comment by Anonymous Anonymous, at August 17, 2006 3:47 pm  :

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Comment by Anonymous Anonymous, at August 17, 2006 3:50 pm  :

Oh, yeah. Whatamistaykatomayka!

Stupid boy, Max.

Was DA the Movie shown after a couple of shows about comedy/sitcoms? On Saturday night?

If so, I think they're showing Rising Damp The Movie after them this week...

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at August 17, 2006 5:51 pm  :

Not sure if Dad's Army: The Motion Picture was on recently, but its always a delight, even if nowhere near as delightful as the TV series.

Now Rising Damp, that was a fantastic show... theme tune was a bit rubbish mind.

Comment by Blogger Starbuck, at October 09, 2006 10:45 am  :

It drove me mad some months back trying to find this out, though I'd suspected the film's composer Wilfred Burns.

However I've just seen the following confirmation on the Whispers From Walmington website:

"The music that was whistled by the platoon when marching and gradually get their uniform is the "Dads Army March" by Burns-Cole in 1971 on Columbia Records DB8766.

It was produced by Ray Cameron & Clive Dunn and arranged and conducted by Wilfred Burns."

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