Viper Squad Ten

[ Tuesday, September 19, 2006 ]

Its good to talk
Starbuck [13:20] Comments: 0 []

After 8 years of pure steadfast loyalty to my first mobile telephone, I've only gone and upgraded my handset.

And I must say, its nice having a phone that you can use as a phone as opposed to just a pager/alarm clock (it was beginning to struggle with the art of transmitting telephone calls...)

But huzzah, 'cos thanks to the upgrade cycle written into Mrs Powersurge's mobile contract I've now taken on her unwanted cast-off Sony-Ericsson, and very nice it is too. Its even got a camera and everything - fancy! The drawback - it doesn't have Snake on it, which is well rrrrubish.

So if anyone wants a Nokia nk402 handset, complete with its original battery (they were made to last back then), plus Snake, alarm clock and SMS capabilities, then its yours.

Going for the bargain collectors-price of £40.00, undepreciated since the day it was bought (and which will be split with sometime-VSX-co-editor DJ Tim, who kindly brought it for me on pay-as-you-go all those years ago...)

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