Viper Squad Ten

[ Wednesday, September 03, 2003 ]

Starbuck [23:31] Comments: 0 []
I'd missed this nicely disparaging story a few days ago. Newly fattened (for the moment) illusionist (or "performance artist" as the BBC snidely refer to him) David Blaine conjured up a bloody bit of publicity the other day, when he supposedly hacked a piece of his ear off in a press conference.

Although I've been swept along by his PR street "magic" skills on the telly in the past (before having the "secrets" revealed that he simply doesn't broadcast his failures or the bits where someone tells him what the punter wrote on their card), I must agree with top turn Paul Zenon's comments - "He says there's no trickery involved - I think there's a clue in the fact that he's a magician. That's what we do - we tell lies."

And sub-editor DJ Tim (himself a master in the black arts of magick) would agree, if I can correctly recall one of his drunken rants.

Oh, and Blaine's website is just one big link to one of his books on Amazon.

And he has a bad beard tendancy.


Still, I shouldn't diss him too much. He's going to spend 44 days and nights trapped inside a small transparent box suspended over the River Thames, with a constant video feed supposedly being taken on the inside (of the box, not of his insides, though that would perhaps be interesting from a biological point of view). When you think about what a good target that is going to make for any nutter with an air rifle and some metal ball bearings, you've got to admit that he's certainly got guts. Even if they are soon to be collapsed ones.

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